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legal tender 合法貨幣〔指可以用來償債而債主必須接受的貨幣〕。


Article 111 the hong kong dollar , as the legal tender in the hong kong special administrative region , shall continue to circulate 第一百一十一條港元為香港特別行政區法定貨幣,繼續流通。

Whether there are legislation or regulations which allow dealings in stock and shares not being transacted with “ legal tender in cash “ 有否法例或規例容許以非“真金白銀”買賣股票?

The hong kong government limits the legal tender to the mexican dollar , the british trade dollar and the hong kong dollar 港府將法定貨幣限定為墨西哥銀元英國貿易銀元及香港銀元。

The hong kong dollar , as the legal tender in the hong kong special administrative region , shall continue to circulate 第一百一十一條港元為香港特別行政區法定貨幣,繼續流通。

All tachen notes collected by the bank were destroyed , while the others ceased to be legal tender since 314 特具歷史紀念性的”大陳卷終于在44 ( 1955 )年314宣告停用。

The sum of legal tender notes and coins held by the public plus customers demand deposits placed with banks 指市民持有的法定貨幣紙幣和硬幣加上銀行的客戶往來存款。

That was even one year before our first legal tender coin , the one mil , was issued and minted 年面世,比香港發行的第一枚法定硬幣一文錢在1863年鑄造,還要早一年呢!

All tachen notes collected by the bank were destroyed , while the others ceased to be legal tender since 3 14 特具歷史紀念性的大陳卷終于在44 1955年3 14宣告停用。

The hong kong dollar , as the legal tender in the hksar , shall continue to circulate 港元為香港特別行政區法定貨幣,繼續流通。港幣的發行權屬于香港特別行政區政府。

All existing banknotes will continue to be legal tender and will circulate alongside the new banknotes 所有現有鈔票繼續作為法定貨幣,與新鈔票一同在市面流通。

The old series banknotes remain legal tender and will continue to circulate along with the new series 舊版流通港鈔將繼續為法定貨幣,與新版港鈔同時流通使用。

All existing banknotes will continue to be legal tender and to circulate along with the new banknotes 所有現有鈔票繼續為法定貨幣,與新鈔一同在市面流通。

All existing banknotes continue to be legal tender and to circulate along with the new banknotes 所有現有銀行紙幣繼續為法定貨幣,與新鈔同時在市面流通。

Series banknotes remain legal tender and continue to circulate along with the new series 舊版流通港鈔繼續為法定貨幣,與新版港鈔同時流通使用。

Are the existing 1 , 000 banknotes of the three note - issuing banks still legal tender 本港3間發鈔銀行現時的千元鈔票是否仍是法定貨幣?

In november , bank of peihai banknotes is the only legal tender in huabei region 從此,北海銀行幣成為山東和華北各解放區的統一貨幣。

Rmb 3 yuan , 5 yuan , and 10 yuan dated 1953 ( second series ) cease to be legal tender 第二套人民幣1953年版的3元、 5元和10元停用

The pataca has been the legal tender in macau for almost a century 澳門幣pataca作為澳門的法定貨幣,已經有將近一個世紀的歷史。

Money is legal tender issued by a government , including paper currency and coin 錢幣是政府發行的法定貨幣,包括紙幣和硬幣。